Learn how to transform your home to make it work for you!

Tired of feeling stuck in a house that simply doesn’t work for you?

It’s Time To Remaster! I’ll Show You How.

What is a Remastered Home?

Remastering is the process of making a new master from an old one. Usually it refers to images, movies or audio files, but in this case it refers to your home. When you first moved into your home it probably worked pretty well for you. But times have changed, your life has changed and so have the demands you make on your house. Houses are not “set it and forget it”. They require attention, care and new ingredients from time to time.

When you remaster a home you figure out what’s working and what’s not. You optimize the house to meet your current needs not your needs from 10 years ago. I’ll give you the tools to figure out what your house needs and what it doesn’t. You’ll create a plan to save the best, fix the rest and love your home.

Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Krissy. I’m a married, working mother of three boys, and I’ve been in your shoes. In fact, I’m still there! But little-by-little, project-by-project, I am creating my way out of the overwhelm.

My goal is to help you do the same by providing you with the tools, resources and skills you need to transform your overwhelming house into a comfortable, functional, and relaxing home.